Remedies for Jet Lag When Travelling
For those who don’t travel long distances that often, jet lag might seem like a minor setback, but most digital nomads know how tiring and confusing this feeling can be. Jet lag can occur when our circadian rhythm is affected due to changes in the time zone.
To put it simply, you cannot fall asleep during the night, but can barely keep your eyes open during the day. This can lead to difficulties concentrating, troubles with digestion and irritability, among other things. Luckily there are more than a few remedies that can help you combat this state, and in this article, we decided to share some of these tips with you.
Take your time to adjust
When you switch time zones that quickly, it’s understandable why your body gets in a state of shock, but it’s impossible to just rearrange your entire sleeping schedule in an instant. Now, the important part is when these adjustments need to occur. If possible, it would be best to start adjusting your sleeping time little by little even ahead of your trip. In that way, your body will get used to the change easier, and you will feel a lot better from the start.
Avoid excessive coffee and alcohol intake
Both of these substances can interfere with normal sleeping schedules, so make sure to lower the amounts of alcohol and especially coffee that you consume before getting on the plane. This can be especially important when taking late-night flights, as even a small amount of caffeine can prevent you from getting a good night of quality sleep. Staying well-hydrated is always the way to go.
Use accessories to help you fall asleep during a flight
Things like earplugs, a neck pillow and an eye mask may not be very comfortable to most people who are using them for the first time, but once you get used to them, and it will happen quickly, you’ll realize why these things are game changers. Do not try to fall asleep immediately once you put them on. Just relax and you’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time.
Eat a light meal
Heavy meals before bedtime, especially when you’re starving after a long trip may seem like a good idea at first, but they might just prevent you from getting a well-deserved rest. What you can do instead is to opt out for a balanced meal which will provide your body with enough nutrients to recover in the quickest time possible.
Try to be active during your flight
We all know how crammed those economy seats can get. Stretching can improve circulation and help you to feel relaxed, which is especially important during long flights. Sleeping on the plane is not always the best solution when switching between time zones, and keeping your body engaged can postpone the sleeping cycles just enough.
Spend a lot of time outdoors
Okay, so if you did not follow these tips on time, and you find yourself arriving at your destination, feeling incredibly sleepy and exhausted, what is the best thing you can do? No, the coffee is not the answer this time. Instead, make sure to spend as much time outdoors as possible, where the natural light and fresh air will wake your body up naturally.
A mix of meditation and breathing exercises might help
Both of these things can help you lower your pulse and levels of stress, which will naturally allow you to have a better quality of sleep. For people who are not used to this, this might not be easy, but if nothing else works, it’s worth giving it a shot.
If nothing else helps, try with supplements
Ultimately, many people come to a realization that no technique is as effective as it should be. What can you do at that point? Well, there are many supplements that can be found on the market, most of them containing melatonin, which will help you fall asleep easier. However, before choosing this option, make sure to contact your physician and see whether the use of supplementation is safe and recommended for you.
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