Top places (websites) to find remote working jobs

To become a digital nomad, you need to have an adventurous spirit. That’s what they all say, right? It’s not easy to leave behind everything you’ve grown accustomed to and leap into the unknown. However, these days, it seems to be easier than ever before. There are a few reasons why.

Top places to find remote working jobs

With the development of technology, it is now much cheaper, and easier to communicate with people who are thousands of miles away, so you won’t get lonely. Furthermore, until recently, the main income for digital nomads around the world was freelancing, but more and more companies are now offering remote working jobs to their employees. If you find a good remote job, you will get the best of both worlds; the freedom to go anywhere you want to, but also have the job security to keep your peace of mind. In the article below, we will list some of the best websites which offer some great deals. Check it out.

  1. FlexJobs

Remote working jobs can be full of shady characters, but not on this website. Every offer is screened, so you can browse offers from 50 categories completely carefree. With around 20K different postings, we are sure you will find what you’re looking for, sooner or later. The only important thing is to never give up. There is a job out there that’s perfect for you. All you have to do is find it.

  1. Working Nomads

In case you don’t recognize it, this website was previously known as GoRemotely. The name might have changed, but this platform remains one of your best sources for remote working jobs. With constant traveling, we know it can get tedious to have to browse every day in hope of finding the best offers, so why not have them delivered right to your Email address? All you have to do is choose how often you will receive these notifications, and that’s pretty much it. It sure is nice to let someone else do the work for you. The Emails can be sent daily or weekly, as to your liking.


Although contract jobs are an excellent source of quick money, once you settle in, you will probably want to find something long-term. This website is the ideal place for such a purpose. They cover all sorts of industries, from programming to personal assistants. Depending on your needs, you can select to browse through part-time offers (80 hours a month) to full-time gigs (160 hours a month). The site has recruiters which will help you along the way to your ideal job. It can be a great place to find a long time gig that will provide you with a steady income.

  1. Career Builder

Career Builder is one of the largest websites of its kind in the U.S. and for a good reason. Apart from a sheer number of available job offerings, which is substantial, some serious brands turn to here when they are in need of capable workers. Companies such as Xerox, Forever 21 Inc and Univision are just some of the regulars. The only thing you have to do is type „remote“ in the search box, and choose the one from over 9K jobs offered. In case you wondered, you don’t have to sign a contract, they offer part-time jobs as well. It can be a great way to kick-start your career as a digital nomad.

  1. Upwork

This relatively new platform has grown from oDesk merging with Elance. Both of those websites were huge in the freelancing world, and as a result, Upwork is now probably your safest bet when it comes to finding a remote working job. Here you can find a ton of jobs in every category imaginable, and they range from one time deals, to full-time offers. It might take a bit of time to create a good portfolio, but once you reach that point, it can be a great source of income. The only thing you have to avoid are some shady deals, but we have no doubt you will be able to find something that works for you, as there are some great clients, and also huge companies such as Microsoft and Pinterest that are constantly on the lookout for new employees. Good luck with your quest!

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